A gang of us went to the WFH conference in Buenos Aires in July 2010, given we were going such a long way we decided to make a holiday of it and visited Buenos Aires, Colonia in Uruguay, the Iguazy Falls on the Argentine and Brazilian border and Rio de Janeiro. Needless to say we had a great time and details of our trip can be seen on this blog. Sharon and myself took a fair bit of video and it's only now I've got around to doing anything with it. Something to do on these wintry days. I've created the first video of the Buenos Aires part of the trip the rest will follow soon. So here it is.
Buenos Aires, Argentina from Shay Farrelly on Vimeo.
In July 2010 a number of friends went to a WFH conference in Buenos Aires and to make the best of it we stayed for two weeks visiting Buenos Aires, Colonia in Uruguay, the Iguazu Falls and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. We had a great time and this is the first video featuring our trips in Buenos Aires. See some photos below as well.