Cuba day 8

After the late night before, everyone is a little late for breakfast and all but one make it. We all still have a great buzz after trinidad it's just a fantastic place particulrly for photographs.  A few of us decide to take photos around the hotel area and we get a few shots but it's not as good as the old town. Lunch in the hotel and we head again into the old town to meet Ramses and see Plaza Vieja.

This area is very close to where we went the first day but it is in complete contrast. Apparently it has taken then over 20 years to renovate it and the work is still on going. The square or plaza looks magnificent and gives a glimpse of the splendour of the city as it must have been over 50 years ago. We completely missed this area in our first few days and with the renovation works it really shows how well Havana could look.  But then I suppose we would not have gotten some of the images we are getting.  We head to the rum museum but it's closing time so don't get in. Ramses gets us into a hotel so we can get high shots from the hotel roof over the harbour area as the sun sets.

A quick change and dinner in a local restaurant which is on the 33rd floor of the building which gives a spectacular view over the whole city. We had planned to take in a jazz club but we are all so bunched we decide to head back to the hotel and bed.