Cuba Video - updated

I eventually got around to editing my video from Cuba, though a bit rushed at the end. I have to thank Brendan for letting me use some of his footage as well, between the two us we got something half decent. You can see it here.

Cuba day 4

Monday, Valentines day, but it's a slow start, eventually we set out at eleven and head for the Capitolio. And today the sun comes out and it's lovely to have the warmth on your face. The Capitolio is closed for renovations for two years. So we head around the back of it to the cigar factory but they don't let you in with cameras or video. So instead we just have a coffee in the shop there and watch a lady there who they have making cigars. Next we head into the area called China Town but to be honest apart from the gateway into it it doesn't look very Chinese but we get a few more photos. We deiced to break up and a few of us head to get a bite to eat before heading down to Ramses's store. As usual times gets away from us with our exploringf and we are late as we are supposed to meet the rest of the gangs there for 2.30.

Ramses shows us his work and it is fabulous, there are some magnifient shots that he has take on Havana which inspires us to get more shots.  He brings us to a local restaurant and we decide on an early dinner. Our first really disappointing meal my meal was as hard as leather.

Off home early as we have to pack for our trip tomorrow with Ramses to Trinidad de Cuba which sounds brilliant.